Caution for use of This Website

Thank you so much for using Junsei Chemical, Co.,Ltd. website: (hereinafter gThis Websiteh). Make sure to follow the following matters.

Copyright/ trademark

All information listed on This Website (including trademarks/ logos, etc.) is protected under the copyright law, trademark law, treaties and other laws of each country.
The above information may not be used for a personal purpose, or used or duplicated beyond the extent expressly approved by other laws without our prior consent.

Link to other websites

Other websites linked from This Website are not under control of our company. We do not take any responsibility for any damage arising from the use of the concerned websites. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.

Link to This Website

In case of setting a link to This Website, be sure that URLs and contents of each page are subject to change or deletion without a prior notification. We do not accept a link to the website which we judge to have a possibility to damage our business or credit.
Please provide a prior notification of the userfs name, telephone number, email address, URL of the website to be linked to This Website and the userfs link starting date by email. We do not take any responsibility for the website linked to This Website.

Privacy policy

In This Website, we may request you to register your name, email address, address, etc. when you use our inquiry services. Such registered personal information shall be used for the purpose of confirmation and identification of the individual for the use of the following services. We shall not disclose personal information provided by our customers to a third party without the customersf approval, in principle, unless applicable to any of the followings.
We shall appropriately and carefully control the personal information registered by our customers to prevent fraudulent access, loss, falsification, misusage, etc.
-Disclosing under the condition where an individual is not identifiable.
-Disclosing minimum information to a company (business consignee, for instance) which has entered into a nondisclosure agreement with Junsei Chemical, Co.,Ltd. in advance.